Employees of Buczyński Tax & Legal Sp. z o. o. are highly qualified specialists.

Company Buczyński Tax & Legal Sp. z o.o. offers you world-class accounting services. The professionalism of our team is guaranteed by many years of experience in the legal services market and cooperation with the best accountants, including international ones.

Our offer includes not only comprehensive accounting services. It is also legal support for your business activity, which is necessary in the face of complex and rapidly changing tax regulations. Thanks to our knowledge and experience, we are able to meet the most unusual customer expectations. We offer full consultancy in running and developing a business. We know that in business there are unforeseen situations that require a quick response, therefore we are at your constant disposal.

Our office is located in Wrocław, but we provide accounting services throughout the country, in accordance with applicable law. Our offer is also directed to foreign companies operating in Poland.

Contact us

Buczyński Tax & Legal Sp. z o. o.

NIP: 8971883288
KRS: 0000859938
REGON: 387028895

© Copyright BUCZYŃSKI TAX & LEGAL 2022